Our digital agency recently had the opportunity to work on a social media marketing, graphic design, and videography project for a coffee brand, and we’re excited to share the results. Our goal was to create a cohesive and visually appealing brand identity for the coffee brand that would appeal to their target audience.


For social media marketing, we developed a strategy that focused on creating engaging content that would increase brand awareness and engagement. We created a content calendar that included a mix of product shots, lifestyle imagery, and user-generated content. We also utilized Instagram Stories to showcase behind-the-scenes footage and promotions.

In terms of graphic design, we designed a brand new logo for the coffee brand that reflected their brand values and personality. We also designed various marketing materials such as flyers, posters, and email templates to promote their products and services.

Finally, for videography, we created a series of videos that highlighted the unique features of the coffee brand, including their roasting process and sustainability efforts. These videos were shared on the brand’s social media channels and website to increase engagement and educate customers about their product offerings.

Overall, our team was thrilled with the results of this project. The coffee brand saw an increase in engagement and brand awareness, and we were able to successfully capture their brand identity through our social media marketing, graphic design, and videography efforts.


If you’re interested in seeing more projects like this, we invite you to check out our portfolio on our website. We’re always looking for new and exciting opportunities to collaborate with brands and help them achieve their digital marketing goals so contact us to have your free consultation call.



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